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Public squares - Birmingham (City Centre) trail

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This trail takes in 14 wonderful public squares and spaces across Birmingham including:

Start Trail

Oozells Square

Start your trail in the fantastic Oozells Square and home to the wonderful Ikon Gallery.  

Oozells Square.  Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Oozells Square.

BACK TO MAP. It is just a skip and jump to the next square, Central Square and the heart of Brindleyplace. 


Central Square

Central Square is at the heart of Brindleyplace.  More HERE about Central Square.

Central Square. Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Central Square.

BACK TO MAP.  The next square, Centenary Square and the Civic Centre of Birmingham is a short walk away. Enjoy the view down the canal and a walk through Symphony Hall along the way.


Centenary Square 

Passing out of the Symphony Hall, you will enter a quite amazing open space and a highlight of the City surrounded by stunning architecture. More HERE about Centenary Square.

Centenary Square. Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Centenary Square.

BACK TO MAP. The next square, Chamberlain Square in the heart of an area known as Paradise is connected to Centenary Square via a walkway.

Chamberlain Square

Chamberlain Square is where a modern and thriving Birmingham connects with the City's amazing history and heritage. 

Chamberlain Square is home to Birmingham's Town Hall and to the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.   

Between 2010 and 2020, the square was completely redeveloped.

Chamberlain Square is at the heart of the Paradise scheme with One Chamberlain Square and Two Chamberlain Square being the two flagship builds of the Paradise development.  

Chamberlain Square. Photography by Mat Burling

Go HERE for more about Chamberlain Square.

BACK TO MAP.  The next square located alongside Chamberlain Square is Victoria Square and is home to Birmingham City Council House. 


Victoria Square

Victoria Square is a magnet for keen photographers.  

Two works of art that can be seen in Victoria Square are the statue of Queen Victoria R and The River water feature, more commonly known as 'Floozie in the Jacuzzi', by Indian sculptor Dhruva Mistry.

Victoria Square.  Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Victoria Square.

BACK TO MAP.  A short walk down Colmore Row and you will find Cathedral Square and home to St Philip's Cathedral. 


Cathedral Square

Built in 1715 as St Philip’s Church in the Baroque style by Thomas Archer, the Cathedral celebrated its 300 year birthday in 2015. 

Cathedral Sqaure.  Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Cathedral Square.

BACK TO MAP.  Continue down Colmore Row and head towards Corporation Street where you will find Old Square, one of the oldest in the City. 


Old Square

Old Square is the gateway to the Steelhouse Conservation Area located between Corporation Street and The Priory Queensway.

In the centre of Old Square is a memorial dedicated to Tony Hancock, who was born in the Hall Green area of the city in 1924.  There is also a Figure of Justice scupture on the pavement in Old Square with a map of Europe and Africa. 

Tony Hancock statue

The Tony Hancock Monument in Old Square.  Photography by Elliott Brown

Go HERE for more about Old Square.

BACK TO MAP.  Continue down Corporation Street and over to Aston University Green. 


Aston University Green

Nestled in the middle of the Aston University campus is a wonderful green space. 

Aston University Green.  Photography by Elliott Brown

Go HERE for more about Aston University Green.

BACK TO MAP. A short walk across Aston University and Birmingham City University campuses and you will reach Eastside City Park. . 


Eastside City Park

Eastside City Park is a 6.75 acre urban park located in the Eastside district of Birmingham City Centre.

With HS2, Curzon Street station and many related works planned for Eastside, this wonderful open space close to Millenium Point, Thanktank Science Museum and Birmingham City University will continue to be a major attraction for people visiting the City.

Eastside City Park - A Birmingham Gem!

Eastside City Park. Photography by Christine Wright

Go HERE for more about Eastside City Park.

BACK TO MAP.  Head towards the Bullring shopping centre to St Martin's Square, home to St Martin's Church, a Grade II listed building.


St Martin's Square

St Martin's Square is at the gateway to Digbeth and close to the Selfidges building, one of Birmingham's architectural gems.

St Martin's Church in the Bullring dates back to at least the 13th century and the history surrounding the church is absolutely fascinating. 

St Martin's Church

St Martin's Square. Photography by Elliott Brown

Go HERE for more about St Martin's Square and St Martin's Church..

BACK TO MAP.  Next up is Grand Central Square not far away.


Grand Central Square

Grand Central Square is located outside the entrance to Grand Central and New Street.  A sculpture designed by local artist, Anuradha Patel was installed in 2018 in memory of those who lost their lives in the Birmingham pub bombings in November 1974. The sculpture's "leaves" bear the names of each of the 21 victims. 

The memorial to the Birmingham pub bombings in 1974. Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Grand Central Square.

BACK TO MAP.  Now head along Smallbrook Queensway till you reach Thomas Garden 'Pagoda Island'.


Thomas Garden 'Pagoda Island'

Located on the edge of the Chinese Quarter is Thomas Garden, locally named 'Pagoda Island', at the junction of Holloway Circus, Horse Fair (Bristol Street), Smallbrook Queensway, Suffolk Street Queensway and Holloway Head. 

'Pagoda Island' gets its name from the seven storey granite pagoda that resides there. This is surrounded by chinese style gardens and sculpture. 

Granite Pagoda at Pagoda Island with Beetham Tower behind.  Photography by Elliott Brown

Go HERE for more about Thomas Garden.

BACK TO MAP.  From here take a walk up Holloway Head till you reach St Thomas Peace Garden. . 


St Thomas Peace Garden

This is a small public park close to The Mailbox and The Cube that is designated to peace and is a memorial for all those killed in armed conflict.  What remains of St Thomas' Church which was largely destroyed in the blitz can also be found there.

Peace Garden

The St Thomas Peace Garden Railings by Anuradha Patel Photography by Karl Newton.

The park symbolises peace and is a memorial to all those killed in armed conflict. St Thomas Church was built in 1825 and much of it was destroyed in 1940. In 1955, the gardens around it were laid out to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. In 1995, they were re-designed to commemorate 50 years since the end of World War 2.

Go HERE for more about St Thomas Peace Garden.

BACK TO MAP.  From St Thomas Peace Garden take a walk up Bath Row and Islington Row Middleway to find Five Ways Park at Five Ways Island. . 


Five Ways Island

At the busy Five Ways Island is a small public space with wonderful flower beds.  A lovely spot to relax and a great spot to complete a trail of some of Birmingham's public squares and public spaces. 

Five Ways Island. Photography by Daniel Sturley

Go HERE for more about Five Ways Island.

You have reached the end of the trail.

From here you can explore Edgbaston Village and its bars and restaurants or head back to the city or Brindleyplace.   

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